Mudge, Laura, Catherine Alves, Baruch Figurola-Zavala, and John Bruno. 2019. “Assessment of elkhorn coral populations and associated herbivores in Akumal, Mexico” Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00683
Mudge, Laura. 2018. “Use of community perceptions to evaluate and adapt coastal resource management practices in the Philippines”. Ocean & Coastal Management. 163: 304-322.
Catherine Alves, Abel Valdivia, Nadia Bood, Karl Castillo, Courtney Cox, Clare Fieseler, Zachary Locklear, Melanie McField, Laura Mudge, James Umbanhowar, John Bruno. “Twenty years of benthic community changes across the Belize Barrier Reef” In Review
Mudge, Laura and John Bruno. “The resilience of contemporary Caribbean coral communities to hurricanes” In Prep
Donovan, M., C. Alves, R. Ritson-Williams, C. Logan, C. Sullivan, C. Drury, D. Knapp, E. Lingerfelt, G. Goodbody-Gringley, I. Knapp, J. Clark, J. Burns, J. Levy, J. Lowndes, J. Brun, K. Johnson, L. Mudge, L. Henderson, O. Meier, R. Dunn, R., McGuinn, R. Martin, R., Cunning, R. Gates, and G. Asner. “From polyps to pixels: Understanding coral reef resilience to local and global change across scales” In Prep
Sarah Groves, Shay Viehman, Laura Mudge, Laura Jay Grove, Caroline Donovan, Kimberly Edwards, Erica Towle. “Assessing the status of U.S. Atlantic coral reefs using a standardized, objective approach” In Prep
Baumann, Justin, Laura Mudge, and Catherine Alves. North Carolina can lead the fight against climate change if we make it our priority. Op-Ed. Published December 11, 2018 in the Herald Sun and News and Observer.
My Peace Corps blog detailing my 27-month adventure as a Coastal Resource Management advisor in the Philippines. My Flickr page also contains photos from the two years.